
NYTimes Ignores a Hero

Once again, the newspaper with the slogan "All The News That's Fit To Print" has decided that the story of a hero is apparently not "Fit To Print":

I couldn’t find a story about Lt. Michael Murphy winning the Medal of Honor in the New York Times on Friday, though other New York papers covered the story with pictures and headlines. The Times neglected even to note that Murphy, 29, who lived on Long Island, was a hometown hero, the first person to receive the highest battlefield honor for action in Afghanistan.

On Friday, the Times instead carried a story headlined “Marines to Conduct Inquiry Into the Killings of Afghan Civilians.” This story was about a court of inquiry being set up to examine the circumstances surrounding the killing of several Afghan civilians by members of a special-operations platoon, in a remote area of Afghanistan, near the border of Pakistan. Some of the Marines involved, who are an elite group of combat-tested troops, are now, of course, hiring their lawyers.

There is a very special irony is this. Why? Because Mikey Murphy and his three SEAL comrades, during their operation, were concerned about the potential of a story just like the one in the Times. They wanted to avoid a situation in which they would find themselves forced to defend a life saving action in a court of law.
Nevermind that Lt. Murphy is a native of New York City. Never mind that he's received--posthumously--the nation's highest military award; he is something going right in the War on Terror, and a Marine that lived an exemplary life and died a heroic death, and that they will not honor.

I will honor him, though I am not a Marine. Lt. Murphy, ya done good. Semper Fi!